Download HERCULES on rushloaded Mp4
Despite being renowned throughout the ancient world for his extraordinary feats, Hercules (portrayed by Dwayne Johnson), the son of Zeus and a mortal woman, carries the burden of his tragic past. Presently, he serves as a mercenary, motivated solely by wealth, and is accompanied by a devoted group of followers, including Amphiarus (played by Ian McShane) and Autolycus. However, when the benevolent ruler of Thrace, along with his daughter, request Hercules’ aid in defeating a ruthless warlord, he must rediscover the hero within himself.
Genre: Adventure, Action, Fantasy Original Language: English
Director: Brett Ratner
Producers: Beau Flynn, Barry Levine, Brett Ratner
Writers: Ryan Condal, Evan Spiliotopoulos Theatrical Release Date: July 25, 2014 (Wide) Streaming Release Date: November 4, 2014 Gross USA Box Office: $72.7M Runtime: 1h 37m